An office is quickly moved, but what about the EDP equipment? An IT move is a challenging task with a lot of responsibilities. The dismantling, the packaging, the transport and set-up again of fragile EDP systems pose logistical challenges for a company. In cooperation with our IT partners, we offer individual solutions for your IT move or the planned replacement of old equipment (roll-in and roll-out service). We will carry out the work on our own or, upon request, jointly with your IT Division.
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IT Move during a Company Move
At the very outset, the planning is done: In the run-up to the Company Move, we discuss in detail with you how the IT move will be handled. At this point, you will also decide what services you want to order:
Documented dismantling of the EDP systems, EDP devices and EDP server landscapes
Professional and secure cleaning of servers, computers and hardware components
Professional and transport-appropriate packaging in roller equipment, PC rollers, IT boxes, monitor covers and keyboard covers
Set-up and connection of the devices and equipment with functional controlling
Secure set-up of server landscapes including patching
Patching work stations
Conducting an inventory of the EDP devices
Environmentally-friendly disposal of old devices
We implement the work in cooperation with our long-term IT partners.
IT Roll-Out: Replacement of EDP
The replacement of worn-out hardware components is likewise challenging because this often must be implemented during on-going operations. One needs specialised personnel, sufficient manpower and corresponding logistics and infrastructures. Also here as well, we offer comprehensive solutions or partial solutions in cooperation with our partners:
Transport of new devices from the manufacturer’s premises
Preparatory work for and configuration of the devices
Timely delivery to the customer
Swapping of the old and new devices while rendering connection services
Secure removal of the data on the old devices
Test runs
Vacating and disposal of packaging materials and old devices
Alexander Keller AG offers infrastructures for the purposes of the intermediate storage or the long-term storage of EDP systems and EDP devices. Heated, secure and, upon request, also available on short notice.
Our moving company has many years of experience in the professional implementation of IT moves and IT rollouts. We would be glad to support you!